Conflict and Resolution Management Training

Workplace Conflict Prevention and Resolution Skills

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Like it or not, some degree of conflict is part of the human condition - and a part of every workplace environment. Effective conflict resolution management training reduces distraction, increases performance and gives employees confidence that their concerns will be heard, taken seriously, and fairly addressed.  This Conflict and Resolution training course presents productive ways to manage workplace conflict. Managers will be provided with five easy-to-remember steps for recognizing and managing workplace conflict.

Course Description
In this conflict resolution skills training course, learners will also see how to prevent or de-escalate unhealthy conflict before it leads to more serious problems. Managers will learn how to stop, evaluate, and consider all sides of a conflict before reacting. This conflict resolution training course also covers key communication skills needed to address workplace conflict. Interactive polling questions in the conflict resolution training course give employers real insight into how employees feel about the concepts and culture skills presented. Emtrain’s innovative Ask the Expert feature gives learners direct access to course experts.

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Course Snapshot

Course length: 20 minutes

Audience: Managers and employees

Key Concepts

  • Step 1: How to take a moment after conflict occurs.
  • Step 2: How to think through a conflict rather than just reacting.
  • Step 3: How to share and be open with the other person in the conflict.
  • Step 4: How to follow through in resolving conflict.
  • Step 5: How and when to ask for help in resolving conflicts.

Course Features

  • Gives learners access to an Emtrain people skills expert for guidance and best practices on this topic
  • Integrates with LinkedIn to track personal training certifications
  • Tailored to include your branding and policy
  • Available in English with translations

Course Experts

Jane Tight
Leadership and Coaching Expert
View bio