Check the Drama at the Door: Part 2

Last week you read about the first two steps from my workplace conflict prevention program. We discussed establishing a positive culture asa foundation, and good management strategies for organizational change. Those two tools can go a long way in improving your culture and preventing conflict, but they are only a small part of a truly…

Check the Drama at the Door

Conflict at work is inevitable. Despite this reality, there are many steps that employers can take to avoid and resolve these situations. My experience as an independent workplace investigator has given me a bird’s eye view of workplace conflict as it unfolds, and I have been able to spot a few patterns. One pattern is…

Staying Away From the Red Zone

Some Silicon Valley tech companies and other organizations beyond are currently in what Emtrain would call, the “Red Zone.” When there is Red activity, the workplace is unproductive, uninviting and hostile. The Red Zone can be recognized as any comments and actions that are pervasive and fall into unlawful harassment. With great frustrations floating around…

Dive Into the Depths of Your Organization

Having a diverse team is a necessity to the success of your workplace culture. Developing your awareness and understanding of different cultures, backgrounds, and personality types is crucial when picking the right people to represent your team. In this infographic from gothamCulture, the idea of an “iceberg of culture” is introduced to distinctly represent the struggles…

Fostering Respect and Inclusion in Tech

With the recent launch of Reid Hoffman’s Decency Pledge, there has been renewed discussion around the biased, unhealthy environment prevalent in the Tech industry. It is clear there is much work to do to create a healthier inclusive culture with a level playing field. Experience Harassment or Bias in Tech? In response to this recent…