ignore unconscious bias, diversity, inclusion

When You Ignore Unconscious Bias, You Ignore D&I

Unconscious bias creates barriers for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Such biases can have a significant impact on recruitment, promotions, and retention. So, when you ignore unconscious bias, you’re also ignoring diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Companies that are working towards building an inclusive company culture across cultural differences could significantly strengthen the effectiveness of…

pattern matching

Is Unconscious Bias Coloring Your First Impressions (and Stereotypes)?

Does a person’s appearance shape your initial interaction with them? Of course it does. Humans are hard-wired to figure past experiences into future interactions; this mechanism is the foundation behind your brain’s language processing power, logic and reasoning skills, and problem-solving abilities. “Pattern matching” is the cognitive process by which your brain connects current sensory…

unconscious bias and D&I

Q&A: How Women Lead on Bias and Diversity

This summer, Emtrain joined How Women Lead at their two-night event, Unraveling Unconscious Bias to share insights with Silicon Valley HR professionals (not their target market) on how to implement real change to bias in the workplace. Patti Perez and Steve Cadigan, a member of our advisory board, showcased their work on how they’ve transformed workplace…

California, Mandatory Unconscious Bias Training

California, Mandatory Unconscious Bias Training

In a first-of-its-kind move, the California legislature is looking to mandate training for professionals who are tasked with decisions that affect the life and liberty of California residents. Specifically, California legislators will vote on three bills that would require training on unconscious bias for law enforcement officers, medical professionals, judges, and attorneys. The proposed new…

diversity to humanizing

Diversity is Tired: Let’s Call It Humanizing Instead

I despise the word diversity. Every time I hear it used, I cringe and pause for impact. It usually follows with some form of “woke” PR jargon about how we’ve gotten better because of [insert-we-care-statement-please-don’t-sue-us-statement-here]. Diversity has become another word that’s become an overused gimmick. Inclusion is next. It’s become more marketing than usability. We’ve…

Drive Diversity by Focusing on These Three Company Culture Elements

If you’re working on diversity initiatives in the workplace you know it’s equally inspiring and frustrating. Research shows that companies with diverse talent pools achieve greater innovations, more productivity and higher profitability. So companies are spending hundreds of millions on diversity programs, yet getting very little return on their investment. Diversity numbers have increased only a percent…

The Leaky Funnel: The Reason Your Talent Diversity Efforts Are Falling Short

‘Tis the season when technology companies publish their diversity numbers. And, despite a concerted effort to increase diversity, women and people of color are still underrepresented across all levels and particularly in senior leadership. How does this happen? All organizations have three inflection points that can make or break diversity: recruiting and hiring, team dynamics, and career advancement.…