Emotional Intelligence at Work

Winning by Taking the High Road

Managers jump to conclusions all the time. Pausing to look at the bigger picture can make all the difference in teamwork. Empathy is a key workplace skill, and even when an employee is reactive or emotional, it's important that a manager try to respond professionally, and with a level head.

Microlesson Description

Using emotional intelligence helps everyone make better decisions and take positive actions. This microlesson defines emotional intelligence and explains how important it is in the workplace. We illustrate a project manager reacting to an off-color email from a coworker, then using emotional intelligence to change his perspective and react positively.

Key Concepts

  • What is emotional intelligence, or “EQ”?
  • Emotional intelligence is a vital work skill and improving your EQ will help you solve problems more effectively. 
  • When confronted with a difficult situation, use your EQ to be aware of your emotions and to limit negative feelings. 
  • Being able to see the situation from the other person’s point of view is a key way to improve your EQ.
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