People Leader Conference Library

In a rapidly changing economy, the ability to think systemically and drive meaningful change is more crucial than ever. Emtrain’s conference is designed to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and inspiration needed to harness the power of systemic thinking, not only within your organization but also in your broader community and society.

Learn from visionary leaders and industry experts who have achieved remarkable success by thinking beyond the conventional silos to build respect and inclusion. Acquire the skills to analyze complex challenges and uncover innovative solutions that create a lasting impact.

Register to our next People Leader Conferences to learn more about the future of work!

People Leader Conference 2023: Opening Remarks by Founder

Featured Session

Keynote: The DEI Journey Begins with You

36 min
2023 Edition

Dr. Randal Pinkett, author of Data-Driven DEI, will address the power of data to help move diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts forward and make a lasting impact, especially in today’s social and political climate where uncertainty and doubt may threaten this important work. This motivational talk will bolster us with the courage to drive DEI change in our organizations.

People Leader Conference 2023


People Leader Conference 2023: Opening Remarks by Founder

8 min
2023 Edition

Keynote: The DEI Journey Begins with You

36 min
2023 Edition

Let’s Get Real about the Future of Work

24 min
2023 Edition

Hot Topics in DEI for Professional Services Firms

47 min
2023 Edition

Navigating the Intersection of DEI and Healthcare Amid Budget Cuts and Staff Shortages

45 min
2023 Edition

The Power of Inclusion in Consumer Brands

49 min
2023 Edition

Thinking Systemically to Eliminate Workforce Bias and Harassment

45 min
2023 Edition

Consumerizing Compliance Training

38 min
2023 Edition

Pulse Check: Harnessing Listening Tools & Analytics to Change Behavior

50 min
2023 Edition

Top 10 Ways To Get More Value Out Of Your Emtrain Relationship

38 min
2023 Edition

Predicting The Hot Button Workforce Issues in 2024

52 min
2023 Edition

People Leader Conference 2022

Opening Remarks for the 2022 People Leader Conference

8 min
2022 Edition
What does it mean to respect the future of work?

Build Skills with The Ultimate Training Strategy

42 min
2022 Edition
Developing a training strategy doesn’t have to be so stressful

Pro Tips for a Successful Launch

41 min
2022 Edition
We’ve compiled the top best practices and tips to share with you!

Create Equitable Opportunities

45 min
2022 Edition
What does equity in the future of work look like?

Ask Us Anything!

42 min
2022 Edition
Whether new to implementing and creating campaigns, the Emtrain CSG is here for you!

Future of Work Reimagining Talent Strategies

45 min
2022 Edition
How organizations and leaders can design strategies built for retention

Attract & Retain Leaders from Underrepresented Groups

45 min
2022 Edition
Inspiring conversation and personal storytelling with three powerhouse women

How Executives Advocate and Promote DEI

46 min
2022 Edition
Executives share their stories about creating cultures of DEIB

Deepen Inclusion and Belonging within Healthcare

46 min
2022 Edition
DEI work is uniquely important in healthcare systems

How to Invest Time, Talent, and Resources for DEI

54 min
2022 Edition
It’s clear, business leaders understand why they need to invest in DEI.

The Science Behind the Emtrain Solution

45 min
2022 Edition
A sneak peak at our powerful new analytics.

Centering on People and Purpose

15 min
2022 Edition
Business and HR leaders have a critical role to play in building a purposeful, conscious culture.

If you'd like to speak at our next conference, contact us today!