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Oct. 23rd

Respect & Workplace Harassment Solution

Emtrain’s comprehensive workplace harassment training online programs combine thought provoking video content with probing survey questions, giving you the most accurate employee sentiment data possible.

57% of employees see inappropriate behaviors go unchecked.

Only 43% of employees responded “often” or “very often” to “If someone does something inappropriate in the workplace, people will let them know.”

Most people highly value empathy...
more than 8/10 people
...but infrequently practice it
4/10 people

Training that benchmarks workplace culture

We provide your employees with immediate feedback so they can see how their responses compare to others in your organization as well as all learners within the Emtrain client base. These insights combined with our proprietary Workplace Color Spectrum® allow employees to establish a shared language to talk about culture issues and surface potential conflict.

Video Sneak-Peek: Emtrain Gives Leadership Key Insights into Company Culture

Respect & Harassment Courses

Designed for Chicago's one-hour bystander intervention training requirements....
Our all-state U.S. training model makes compliance easy....
Harassment training up to Canadian standards....
Special training for non-U.S. based employees....
Understand uniform and fair hiring practices....
The basics of ADA protection and state disability laws....
Several models for mentoring and career advancement....
Spot and de-escalate workplace disputes like a pro....
Establish job requirements and conduct an interview with background checks....
Basics for both the federal FLSA and corresponding state laws....
Learn about the reasonable suspicion standard....
Establish illness and injury prevention plans....
Provide action plans in case violence occurs....
Designed for India’s PoSH statutory requirements for harassment training....

Respect & Harassment Microlessons

Enable people to stop Islamophobia when it occurs and to be an ally to their Muslim and Arab co-workers....
Ensure the norms of behavior on your team do not allow for any hate speech....
Supporting Each Other While Navigating a Global Crisis...
How to ensure everyone is heard and valued....
How to identify different types of microaggressions....

How we express emotion is often based on our cultural background. Some cultures are more enthusiastic and expressive, while others...

This microlesson takes place in a retail setting....
This microlesson takes place in a retail setting....
This microlesson takes place in a retail setting....
This microlesson takes place in a retail setting....
This microlesson takes place in a retail setting....
How motherhood discrimination impacts teams...
How groups who are stereotyped as less competent, often have to prove themselves over and over again....
How individuals experience racial stereotyping and microaggressions in performance assessments...
How stereotypes impact advancement opportunities for women and people of color....
Learn how to interrupt conflict in the flow of work....
Learn how to understand hierarchical structures and their impact on decision-making....
Learn how to understand different feedback styles....
Explore how Black Americans have resisted historical and ongoing oppression....
How to frame conversations to align with different social and cultural needs....

Let Emtrain help you with your Respect & Harassment Trainings