Hiring Skills & Restrictions

Recruiting Top Talent and Building Diverse Teams

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We are currently in the midst of a candidate's job market, and employers are competing for top talent. Hiring managers that fail to understand the do’s and don’ts of interviewing and hiring may miss out on the best candidates, compromise your mission, values, diversity initiatives, and workplace performance, or expose your organization to discrimination in hiring claim. In short,  who you hire determines your team and the talent of the organization.

What is Hiring Restrictions? Making a decision against hiring a candidate due to any biases such as age, race, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental disability. Deciding whether or not to hire someone based on anything other than their capability to do the job.

Course Description
Recruiting, interviewing, evaluating candidates, and onboarding new employees takes skill and practice to do it effectively, inclusively, and respectfully.

This course teaches hiring managers:

  • Best practices for inclusive recruiting, including writing job descriptions, hiring restrictions
  • Generating diverse candidate pools
  • Applying common evaluation criteria
  • How to write job descriptions focused on core skills and requirements
  • How to promote job opportunities
  • Behavioral interviewing
  • How to be respectful during the interview process with guidance questions to ask and don’t ask
  • Evaluating and onboarding candidates

  • It also covers how to implement a smooth and engaging onboarding process.

    Hiring Skills & Restrictions primary image Hiring Skills & Restrictions secondary image Hiring Skills & Restrictions tertiary image

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    Course Snapshot

    Course length: 30 minutes

    Audience: Managers only

    Key Concepts

    • Reasons for developing hiring skills
    • Writing inclusive job descriptions that don’t limit applicant pools
    • Generating diverse pools of candidates
    • How to write respectful, inclusive interview questions
    • When to apply common evaluation criteria to all candidates
    • Best practices for onboarding new candidates

    Course Features

    • Available in English with translation
    • Admin Timer Optional
    • Confidential Ask the Expert feature giving learners direct access to course experts.

    Course Experts

    Janine Yancey
    Emtrain Founder & CEO Employment Law Expert
    View bio