Adapting to Direct and Indirect Feedback Styles

How to understand different feedback styles

As our workforces are expanding globally, whether it’s offices or partnerships, we’re working with different cultural dynamics and differing communication styles. It’s important for all of us to be more culturally aware so we can communicate and provide feedback that adapts to every form of communication.

Microlesson Description

In this skill-building microlesson, we showcase the differences between direct and indirect feedback styles and why it’s important to be more culturally aware. The “feedback sandwich” (giving a compliment, then constructive feedback, then another compliment) may be appreciated in some cultures but may be misunderstood by people who are used to more direct feedback. The lesson teaches employees and managers the skill of giving feedback and receiving feedback on different communication styles and adjusting to cultural dynamics. At the end of the microlesson, we provide learners a tip sheet on understanding each other’s feedback styles in the workplace.

Key Concepts

  • Actionable tips for adapting to direct and indirect feedback styles.
  • Understanding how different cultures communicate feedback and why it’s important to be more culturally aware.
  • How to observe a colleague’s communication style and adjust to accommodate their needs.
Adapting to Direct and Indirect Feedback Styles primary image
Adapting to Direct and Indirect Feedback Styles secondary image
Adapting to Direct and Indirect Feedback Styles tertiary image

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