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I'll See What I Can Do

July 18, 2023 |  1 minute

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Antitrust Compliance

The supply company rep from the previous video gets another call from a different client, and she's annoyed that the Supply Company's own team is offering an even larger promotion than hers, calling "channel conflict."

A supply company rep gets a call from a frustrated client who tells him of a competing company's aggressive “Delivery and Installation Special.” The client wants the rep to tell the competitor that he's engaging in predatory pricing, but the rep correctly and gently tell him it's out of his hands.

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Supply Chain Issues

Antitrust Compliance

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I'll See What I Can Do

I'll See What I Can Do

Antitrust Compliance

A supply company rep gets a call from a frustrated client who tells him of a competing company's aggressive “Delivery and Installation Special.”



Antitrust Compliance

The supply company rep from the previous video gets another call from a different client, and she's annoyed that the Supply Company's own team is offering an even larger promotion than hers, calling "channel conflict."