Respecting Gender Diversity

Creating an Affirming Workplace

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Our workplaces are diverse, in more ways than one. A 2022 study by the Pew Research Center revealed that 5% of young adults say their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth. And as the world we live in becomes more accepting of different genders and different forms of gender expression, that number is likely to go up. It's never been more important that People Leaders educate their workforces on all forms of diversity, including gender diversity.

Course Description
This course teaches the fundamentals of respecting gender diversity, including using respectful terms and pronouns and graceful recovery when you misstep. It provides foundational knowledge on gender, gender identity, and gender expression especially as it pertains to transgender and/or nonbinary individuals.

Respecting Gender Diversity primary image Respecting Gender Diversity secondary image Respecting Gender Diversity tertiary image

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Course Snapshot

Course length: 15 Minutes

Audience: All Employees

Key Concepts

  • Understand how to be respectful to gender diverse people
  • Learn proper use of current and respectful terms
  • Practice affirming people’s names and pronouns
  • Learn to recover gracefully when addressing someone incorrectly

Course Features

  • Available in English with translation
  • Admin Timer Optional
  • Confidential Ask the Expert feature giving learners direct access to course experts

Course Experts

Janine Yancey
Emtrain Founder & CEO Employment Law Expert
View bio