New Findings on Workplace Culture During Pandemic

New Findings on Workplace Culture During Pandemic

Corporate workplace culture has been impacted by recent world events, including the coronavirus pandemic and the #BlackLivesMatter protests, in several significant ways. Data collected following the initial release of the 2020 Emtrain Workplace Culture Report has revealed some notable shifts in employee sentiment around issues of harassment, inclusion and belonging, and norms of behavior.

Download this fact sheet to see how the pandemic has affected company culture and shaped employee sentiments towards the key indicators of cultural health.

Emtrain compared responses from 100,000+ employees collected in the year prior to March 15th, 2020 with the responses from over 20,000 employees collected after that date. For a closer look at the findings from our initial report, download the full Emtrain Workplace Culture Report. This document focuses specifically on the employee responses which have yielded averages that differ from the report’s initial findings to a statistically significant degree.

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