Unconscious Bias Training Course

Recognize and Prevent Implicit Bias at Work

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Every day, our workplaces are influenced by both explicit and implicit biases. These hidden biases operate on autopilot to help us make swift decisions. Yet, they can unjustly influence our perception of others, often without accurate information or context. Unconscious biases pose significant challenges in recruitment and other crucial decision-making processes.

The impact of these biases can range from mild to severely damaging, leading to inequities in how we perceive and interact with colleagues of different races, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other characteristics. Unconscious biases can impact who gets promoted, how high visibility tasks are assigned, who is included in after-hours activities that can serve as informal networking opportunities, and any number of other day-to-day business operations. Judgments should be based on concrete actions, words, and accomplishments rather than on unconscious assumptions.

Course Description
Gain an in-depth understanding of unconscious bias and its impact on your organization with our online Unconscious Bias training program. Our course helps employees recognize their unconscious biases and how they can lead to biased and discriminatory decisions and behaviors toward others.
We equip learners with the tools to make better people decisions, essential for building inclusion in the workplace. This introductory course serves as a baseline measurement for employees' inclusion skills and precedes our inclusion skill-building lessons. Start your journey towards creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace today with our Unconscious Bias training program.

What is an Unconscious Bias training for employees?
Unconscious Bias training course for employees educates on the concept of unconscious bias, helping everyone understand and recognize their own unconscious biases toward other individuals. It also provides suggested behaviors and actions to mitigate preconceived notions we are used to. However, the Unconscious Bias course must connect to the bigger picture and take diversity and inclusion into account.

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Course Snapshot

Course length: 20 or 30 minutes

Audience: Managers and employee program versions

Key Concepts

  • How unconscious bias influences our decisions and actions.
  • For employees, common examples of behaviors that help some people and hinder others, including how tasks are assigned and who gets heard in meetings.
  • For managers, guidance on who gets recruited and hired and who gets recognized and advanced.
  • The importance of awareness of different perspectives and empathy for others.
  • How to spot mistaken assumptions and missed opportunities in daily interactions.
  • Practical strategies to minimize the impact of unconscious bias and how to recognize and set aside old patterns to become more inclusive.
  • A new method for minimizing unconscious bias: The Two Gear Method, which teaches employees how and when to slow down and use the Big Gear of critical thinking versus allowing fast, intuitive assumptive thinking (Little Gear)

Course Features

  • Mobile first design – intended for learners to take on their phones
  • Configurable lessons – mix/match lessons to create your own tailored program
  • Branded – apply your brand, color and logo to the program
  • Interactive Polling Questions dynamically share data on other employee perspectives
  • Gives employees direct access to Emtrain unconscious bias subject matter experts for best practices
  • Shares anonymized, curated questions submitted by learners and answered by Emtrain experts
  • Available in English. Other languages are available upon request.

Course Experts

Nancy Douyon
Ethics & Culture Expert
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Janine Yancey
Emtrain Founder & CEO Employment Law Expert
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