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Jane Tight

Jane Tight

Jane Tight

Leadership & Coaching Expert

About Jane Tight

Who is Jane Tight?
Jane Tight is a multifaceted individual with experience in corporate training that focuses on enabling teams and individuals to use their varying strengths a weaknesses to develop cohesive, empathetic, and productive work flows. Her experience in facilitating team building trainings for a wide variety of companies has informed her unique approach to cultivating empathy in the workplace.

More about Jane Tight

Jane Tight is an Executive and Leadership Master Coach, Enneagram teacher, and certified Radical Collaboration trainer, who partners with clients to raise emotional intelligence in the workplace. She co-founded SeeChange Partners in 2004 to work with individuals, partnerships and organizations in private and corporate venues to help them to lead lives and organizations that are balanced, productive and successful.

Jane has a Masters of Science Degree in Communication Disorders: Language Pathology. She founded and managed a full-service speech clinic between 1981-1998. Relevant training to her current work is in counseling, neurology, behavior change, personality development, human motivation, and healthy communication.

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