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Best Practices For An Effective Compliance Training Rollout

38 minutes
October 28, 2024
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(1:35) All righty. Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining our session today.

(1:41) It’s been a great day so far. I feel like I’ve learned a lot already. (1:46) I would love to know as we’re approaching the end of our day, if anyone had a favorite little tidbit or a favorite session that they’re excited to kind of take back with them, you know, to their own organization, to their teams.

(2:01) I feel like we’ve just had a lot of really amazing speakers so far today, share some really great, I think, really helpful, tangible next steps to take back to our teams. (2:15) And when we’re talking about compliance and how to be effective in our workplaces, Jack and I agree that D&I session that just ended was phenomenal. (2:26) I think, you know, having those speakers there was really great.

We’ve been Emtrain has just been really lucky to have some really great people. (2:34) And as we get more people joining in on the session, for those that might not know who I am, I am Rachel Schade. (2:41) I am a client success manager here at Emtrain, been with Emtrain for quite a few years, and I help lead a part of our client success team with doing a lot of our monthly admin sessions.

(2:56) So if you are use Emtrain, if you are an admin, a program manager, you probably have either joined one of my sessions before or maybe you’ve seen my face or heard my voice on one of our pre-recording, you know, kind of helpful support pages there. (3:16) And so loved as you as people kind of trickle into more would love to hear your favorite part, your favorite session or, you know, kind of favorite maybe just point that has stuck out to you. (3:30) I think what I have loved about the chat feature in our events here is we’re able to collaborate with those that are attending, even though we’re not getting that in-person collaboration.

(3:43) This chat feature, I think, is able to help us do that. So I’m really excited to kind of continue the conversation around, you know, part of it is D&I focused on compliance training. (3:58) Sometimes it’s the nitty gritty of, okay, you know, sometimes we do just have to check off a list on the box.

So how do we do that? How do we make sure that we are being compliant in those states? (4:11) How do we roll it out effectively, as the session says? And how can we not just roll it out effectively, but how can we specifically Emtrain go above and beyond and help you and your teams, you know, get more information out of it? (4:26) So if you don’t mind, we can share our slides here. We can just kind of get into it, because I would love to also spend some time on questions. (4:39) So please, I will be monitoring our chat and our Q&A session.

So if any questions come up throughout the next few minutes, please post them there. (4:49) If I don’t get to them right away, I do have time at the end to answer them, because I’d love to, you know, really have a collaboration with you folks that are attending this session. (5:00) So really thankful that you’re here.

Thankful that you most sounds like we’re getting a lot out of our sessions today. (5:08) A couple of housekeeping items I just want to note is that you’ll see on the right side of your page, there is a resource tab. (5:16) I will reference some links in this slide deck, and I have created that PDF that links most of the courses that I’m going to talk about and some additional resources for you.

(5:29) So you can download that in that resource tab, that PDF link, those slide links for you, and you can keep them, and then we’ll link you back to the things that I talk about today. (5:41) So without further ado, let’s get into it. As we talk about best practices for an effective compliance rollout, (5:48) I think a big thing when we’re looking at that is to know, if you are an Emtrain client, what is actually in your course catalog? (5:56) As a CSM, I’ve found that a lot of my clients, a lot of admins, aren’t fully aware of all the trainings and lessons that Emtrain offers.

(6:10) And so not only are we, you know, sending out that Preventing Workplace Harassment training, (6:16) it’s really kind of, I would say, bread and butter to Emtrain that gets updated annually. (6:20) We also have other trainings like Workplace Violence and, you know, the Basics of Whistleblower and Cybersecurity. (6:30) We have HIPAA training, along with all of our D&I courses, you know, Unconscious Bias, Diversity, Inclusion, and then just a plethora of micro lessons.

(6:41) So we’re able to, you know, depending on what you are contracted for, you probably have all of our courses or maybe just some. (6:49) But it’s good to know what is in that course catalog because Emtrain really, I think, (6:54) what we’ve tried to do is make sure that we’re covering that wide range, especially when it comes to those compliance trainings. (7:01) So when we talk about compliance training, what trainings are we usually talking about? (7:06) And that one, typically that one training that all comes to mind is our Preventing Workplace Harassment.

(7:14) So talking about sexual harassment, talking about unwanted conduct in the workplace. (7:19) And how can we, you know, as we’re training on those topics, one, make sure that we’re staying compliant across all states. (7:30) So I’ve kind of created a little sheet here that talks about what is required across different states.

(7:38) I know that the slide deck is a little, it’s a little bit smaller to see, but those lighter colored states in there, (7:46) those light blue are all states that require some sort of training to employees. Darker color, blue states, they don’t require training. (7:55) But as we know, and I think as we’ve heard in a lot of our sessions today, is that when we are training, (8:02) when we are providing the tools and the tool belt for our employees, what we’re doing is we’re going to help create and minimize those risks.

(8:12) So that when our employees, when our colleagues are better understanding how their behaviors affect the people around them, (8:21) they’re going to have more respectful interactions. They’re going to have more, I think, you know, ability to pause and say, (8:28) OK, with what I’m saying here, how is that going to affect this person or how can this or how am I going to be perceived in some situations? (8:37) And maybe I’m going to rethink my actions or rethink my steps. So when thinking about preventing workplace harassment, (8:43) one, I think most of us probably already know that California has some rather strict laws when it comes to that, (8:49) of making sure that we’re training really on an annual basis when it comes to that training.

(8:54) Some states only require every other year. But what we also have found in Emtrain and Emtrain has been doing this for a long time, (9:04) is that when we are, again, training on that annual basis, that our, your employees have, I think, are going to be, (9:14) they’re going to have more key insights into how, like I mentioned, their behaviors are affecting the people around them, (9:22) especially because Emtrain, we do update that training on an annual basis. So they’re not getting the same, (9:28) they’re not getting the same videos every year.

They’re not getting the same lessons every time, (9:33) which I think we’ve all probably been at companies that you have taken training every year. (9:40) And it feels like it’s from 30 years ago and it’s dated and the situations aren’t, don’t really happen like that anymore. (9:51) And it’s like, just doesn’t really make sense.

It’s not, you know, speaking to what is actually happening in our cultures at the time. (9:58) And that’s what when we do train on an annual basis, we’re able to update those videos. (10:03) We’re able to make it relevant to your employees.

So it is real world situations that we are training on, (10:10) that they have the tools to better behave in situations or even, (10:15) I think, provide insight to employees to feel like they can stand up when something is awry. (10:23) And they know that behavior isn’t acceptable, that my company doesn’t accept that behavior. (10:28) So before a situation gets too out of hand, I’m going to say, hey, that comment or that joke, (10:34) that crossed a line and that, you know, really wasn’t funny.

And we can help, you know, create those social boundaries, (10:41) those social situations better for those colleagues. So preventing workplace harassment, (10:46) training it on an annual cadence can really help with some of those things. (10:51) And as we talked about, too, in some of our sessions, especially around compliances, the ability to know, OK, (11:00) I’m sending out a training, but I want to look at those risk factors.

(11:04) I want to see maybe some hot spots in my organization. (11:09) And when this so this slide includes like what when we are asking questions within within preventing workplace harassment, (11:17) these are some key indicators that we are asking questions on so that you can provide further insight to your executive team, (11:26) to your HR leaders, things like that, of not just deploying a compliance training. (11:31) So you can have that checkmark.

So, you know, that box check done. (11:36) But we’re going above and beyond where you’re able to see these key insights into what your employees are thinking and how they’re feeling. (11:44) So you can say, hey, maybe we need to provide additional training on certain certain behaviors to our managers or to a certain, (11:54) you know, group demographic within the organization.

(11:58) And so when you are taking a training, I think Michael Green talked about it, (12:05) of how it doesn’t feel like you’re taking that survey as an employee when you’re taking the training. (12:10) So it’s a little you’re getting more authentic answers from your employees. (12:14) And that’s what we’re able to help with when we’re deploying these types of trainings, especially around compliance.

(12:25) Other state requirements that we talk about is, you know, workplace violence. (12:30) So that is a newer course that is required in the state of California. (12:36) And there are a few exceptions to that training is that if you have employees, (12:42) if you have fewer than 10 employees meeting in a physical office, you don’t have to train on that.

(12:47) It’s highly encouraged, though, to still train. And it must include your injury illness prevention plan. (12:55) And then also you need to have a hotline available for your employees, too.

(13:01) And so we have some additional resources around if you have more questions about S.E. 553, (13:08) which is what that workplace violence bill comes from, is S.E. 553. (13:14) And we have a ton of different resources. (13:18) JR just added them into our chat as well.

So you can click on that. (13:23) It links you to the workplace violence program and the guides that we have of what needs to be included in that injury illness prevention plan. (13:31) And again, along with all of our Emtrain content is you’re also getting those questions.

(13:39) You know, so you’re able to take those risk assessments, looking at how your learners are answering those questions. (13:45) I have a few slides here in a little bit that are going to show you a little bit more about. (13:53) Show you a little bit more on, you know, what’s in that insight report that you can look at.

(13:58) And then also some deeper dives into the analytics that we can see as well. (14:03) Bystander training is another course that now Chicago employers are required to deploy. (14:09) And that, again, is only for those employees that physically go into an office in the city of Chicago.

(14:19) And so that is something that we have also seen a lot of other clients start deploying bystander training to their employees on an annual basis as well. (14:30) And because it’s a great course teaching, I think your your employees have had it stand up, speak out. (14:37) You know, how do you mitigate some conversations that maybe, you know, that workplace joke is going over the line.

(14:45) So like, hey, let’s roll that back before it goes too far. (14:54) And these are some additional courses that we are and that we also have in our in our catalog. (15:03) And these are highly encouraged for publicly traded companies or pre IPO companies where we’re definitely looking at more of those compliance related topics.

(15:12) So Emtrain has these courses for code of conduct and in code of conduct are able to tailor that course to what you need it to be, to your missions and values, your mission statements. (15:27) And you can add in your some of your own welcome videos in there. And again, we’re asking questions throughout that whole topic as well.

(15:36) And the code of conduct has, as I mentioned, it’s customizable. (15:42) We have a few different versions of it. So you’re able to customize one.

(15:46) And, you know, there’s a smaller there’s a version light. So it’s a little bit shorter. (15:51) There’s a longer version.

And then we have one that you can just take right off the shelf. (15:55) You don’t have to tailor anything to it. So that’s right.

And and we also have a ton of business compliance courses. (16:02) I didn’t list all of them here. And but the majority of them, I would say the top ones are, you know, insider trading, cyber security, global data, privacy, the basics of whistleblowing, global anti bribery and corruption, antitrust and fair competition.

(16:17) And then our training. And now when we talk about I think these are all really great courses. (16:25) And a lot of my conversations that I have with my clients or Rachel, I don’t want to bombard my employees with a ton of training.

(16:35) You know, there we all are doing more with less. (16:39) And I think, you know, as employees, as HR professionals, as leaders, I think we can all feel that I don’t want to burden them with all this extra training, with all this, you know, an hour on training here, 30 minutes there. (16:53) And some ways I think you can kind of combat that a little bit is or what we talk about is, you know, learner fatigue or training fatigue is kind of breaking up these courses in that quarterly basis of, you know, quarter one is when we’re doing our preventing workplace harassment.

(17:13) Cyber security training, you know, and then quarter two, maybe we’re adding in, you know, the insider trading and code of conduct and Q3, you know, so on and so on. (17:23) So they’re not taking four hours of training all in one sitting. (17:28) And really, when you’re taking four or five hours of training all at once, you’re not able to retain all of it all the time.

(17:36) But if we’re kind of breaking those trainings out throughout the year, what it’s also doing is, I think, reinforcing certain behaviors, certain learning skills to your learners, to your employees. (17:51) And it’s going on throughout the year. It’s also, I think, a great opportunity as an organization to, as you’re deploying training throughout the year, you’re able to look at those risk assessments, those questions through those insight reports.

(18:05) And, you know, and kind of see the trend trending of, okay, this is, you know, maybe we need to reevaluate of when we deploy this training or that training. (18:16) I think also, what we’re seeing right now, too, is I think we’ve all felt this, you know, whether it’s through a spoofing email that gets sent to our, you know, personal email, or I’ve actually seen a huge uptick in these like spam text messages, specifically from that say they’re coming from the United States Postal Service. (18:42) And it’s not them.

Turns out they’re just, you know, trying to get my information from me. (18:47) And what we’re seeing also is an uptick in that that’s happening in the workplace, too, of, you know, someone gets a text from the CEO or random email saying, hey, I need you to buy, this is a really popular one of, I need you to buy, you know, three Amazon gift cards and send them to me. (19:06) Or I need you to wire me blah, blah, blah, you know, amount of money, which I think usually we can determine that that’s, that’s not real.

Like, I don’t think my CEO is going to be asking for me to spend my own personal money to buy Amazon gift cards or wire transfer them money. That doesn’t seem right. (19:26) And that’s why some of these courses are so valuable right now.

And in what we’re seeing in the world is, you know, our basics of cybersecurity of really evaluating is, is that email truly from that sender? Does this does this really make sense? How can I verify that information? (19:46) And, you know, in global data privacy, we’re all handling loads and tons of information throughout our day, whether that’s, you know, employee data, whether that’s, you know, your organization has proprietary information, whatever that looks like is, you’re wanting to make sure that you as an organization recovered, and that your employees know when and how to spot certain risks within that. (20:15) And so that’s why I think, you know, it’s so important to be adding these into our annual trading. Because as with the risks of AI, things are getting smarter, things are looking less fake, so it’s harder to spot.

(20:33) And that’s why I kind of want to get ahead of it and start trading our employees a little bit more with some of that information. And so these are, you know, some of these courses are not mandated, depending on, you know, if you’re publicly traded company or not, or if you’re private. (20:51) But definitely, definitely highly encouraged.

Along with you’ll see a little blurb on corporate social responsibility. And, you know, looking at those unconscious bias courses, diversity and inclusion courses. (21:05) We have some micro lessons around, you know, bias interrupter courses, I think there’s a breakout session earlier today.

And with our Dr. Leanne Pereira and Shane from Baker Tilly talking about what those bias interrupter lessons did for them as an organization. (21:24) So if you’re able to check that out, definitely go back and review that recording. It was a really great session.

But what we know when we talk about training and we talk about, you know, the value of specifically when it comes to unconscious bias or diversity inclusion is that when we’re pairing it with what we refer to as maybe some more of these respect or compliance courses. (21:51) Is that there is, there’s a Venn diagram there of, you know, how this information is overlapping with each other. And so when we are deploying preventing workplace harassment, for example, alongside of an unconscious bias or diversity inclusion course, that there is this kind of, I always feel sometimes silly saying that the synergy that happens because that feels so corporate ease to me.

(22:17) But it really does become this moment of, you know, you are advancing these ideas, you’re advancing how to be respectful in the workplace when you’re pairing those types of courses together. And it’s going to go even further than if we just deployed one or the other. (22:36) Because what you’re taking is this is the, I would always refer to it as when we deploy preventing workplace harassment.

This is, you know, like the cold hard facts of it, of like, this is just what we have to do because it’s the law. And then when we’re pairing it with an unconscious bias and a diversity inclusion course, it’s our why. So it’s the coming together of this is why this is important that we’re acting in a respectful way to each other.

(23:04) And so you’re able to pair those together. And I think create this beautiful place with for your employees to better understand maybe there are some things, how they perceive certain situations or certain people that they can kind of inwardly take a, you know, a mental look at say, maybe I need to reevaluate how I, you know, walk into this situation or walk into this conversation. (23:34) With also the preventing workplace harassment with our compliance training of, you know, this is, you know, these are the consequences of when I’m not acting in a respectful way.

(23:45) And so I would say all of our courses, all of this compliance training, it’s much more than just checking the box to make sure that we are, you know, correct in our with, you know, with our state training that we are, you know, just checking that box, as I mentioned, it’s so much more than that. (24:05) It is teaching our employees or, you know, creating that environment in our organizations where people do feel safe, they feel protected, that they know that their employer has their back. (24:22) As I think Deb mentioned earlier, in one of the keynote sessions of creating that trust with your employees.

And that also helps raise retention rates, because we know how expensive it can be when you’re losing talent and having to go find top talent again, retrain them for your organization. (24:41) So when we’re deploying a plethora of these trainings, it’s not just to say we’re compliant, we’re good, we have this certificate, we can move on. It’s to help really set the tone as an organization to say, we see you, we value you.

These are how we are going to set the tone as an organization and, you know, kind of and how we’re going to handle ourselves. (25:09) Looking at, as I mentioned, with our training, what we can do is you have these options for, you know, insight report and our completion reports. Completion reports to me are just going to tell you, these are people that took it.

These are people that are still in progress. These are people that we need to go bug a little bit more. (25:28) And our insight report is going to give us kind of those, as we’re asking those questions as admins, we can look at our insight report and we can see, okay, this is the percentage of learners that are answering the questions this way.

These are how they’re answering that type of question. So you can kind of dig into the data a little bit further. (25:51) Insight reports are available to all entering clients with our basic level of analytics.

There’s been a lot of talk about some additional level of analytics that I’ll show here in a little bit. (26:07) But the insight report. So one thing is we need at least five responses in order to show the data.

(26:15) Because we don’t want it to be, you know, you can kind of, we don’t want you to go figure out how certain individuals are answering. So we’re de-identifying that data (26:26) to protect the employees, so they know that, you know, my answers are safe. (26:31) And then we can year over year look at how your responses have changed, you know, how we’ve kind of moved that needle of, you know, there is a (26:40) difference since you maybe started deploying unconscious bias, along with cybersecurity.

(26:46) So you can kind of see over time, year over year, how those responses have changed and how your learners have responded to situations and how they feel like you as an organization are doing as well. (27:01) When we talk about some additional analytics that we have, (27:06) we’re talking about measuring, you know, the workplace culture. So what we’re doing is looking at 16 different key indicators (27:15) that we’re asking throughout your, throughout those trainings, you know, whether it’s mitigating bias, managing power, advancing allyship.

I know that it’s really tiny on the screen right now. (27:28) But so with those questions that we’re asking, it falls into those indicators. And so we’re able to put that on a benchmark of saying, hey, based off of those answers, compared to other Emtrain clients, this is how you’re doing.

(27:44) And it’s, you know, I think we say this a ton here at Emtrain is you can’t change what you’re not, what you don’t see. (27:53) And data drives most things in our, in our world right now. I’d say, you know, there’s not a lot that data is not driving because you need to track it, you need to see it.

(28:05) And so this is what we’re able to do with not just compliance training, both that diversity inclusion training and conscious bias training, (28:12) is we’re able to see how we are moving the needle to create these atmospheres within your organization that your employees say, you know, as best as we can, they get up every morning and be like, I can’t wait to go to work. (28:28) Because, you know, as much as I would love to be, you know, on a beach, sipping a cocktail, you know, I truly do love coming into work because of the atmosphere and the environment that Emtrain has created here. (28:41) Because they have tracked things and they have made adjustments where needed.

And so when we’re making those changes, I think your employees, it takes time for sure. (28:52) But it does matter. I think I glitched here for a second.

But it takes a little bit of time, but it does matter. And that’s why (29:03) in a lot of our conversations today, you’ve heard us talk about this analytics, you’ve heard us talk about how important it is to track your trainings, to track those risk areas. And so it is incredibly valuable for us to be doing that.

(29:20) And as we, you’re like, this is great. I love training, but I need more help. And so what we’ve also done in your dashboard here, as an Emtrain admin, is we have these resources available to you.

(29:33) So not only do you have a team that, you know, on your side, your client success managers, your client account executives, we’re here to help you implement training. Absolutely. (29:43) But also what Emtrain has done, we have a ton of these different sheets and tip sheets and worksheets that you can pair with those trainings.

(29:53) So that, you know, you can kind of take it one step further of we’re just, you know, not just appointing the training, but maybe once a month in, you know, certain ERG groups or your management groups, things like that. (30:06) You’re able to say, hey, here’s some additional information or additional resources that you can deploy to them as well. So this resource tab lives in your Emtrain dashboard and we’re constantly adding to it.

(30:21) So you can search by different pillars, respect, inclusion, ethics, and we have just a lot of resources at your fingertips there because we know that training is great. (30:33) And I think it matters, but it’s also how we’re pairing all these other aspects of, you know, creating those conversations in the workplace, how we’re adding in our data, how it all really kind of comes together as one. (30:51) When we’re talking about different content, Emtrain is constantly adding new content into our platform, into our course catalog.

(31:01) So, you know, ethics pillar this year, we updated the code of conduct course, we updated global anti-bribery, global trade and added a whistleblower course as well. (31:11) Inclusion pillar, we’ve added a few new micro lessons around like inclusive language, upstander intervention, equal access, and respecting gender diversity. (31:25) And then, you know, throughout the year too, we’re adding a bunch of new micro lessons, as I mentioned.

(31:30) And a big one that came, that was asked for by quite a few clients was modern slavery. (31:39) So that’s a new one in there, you can see. And then in our respect pillar, we have our new bystander course.

(31:44) And then, of course, annually, we’re updating our preventing workplace harassment. (31:47) So we’ll have version 13 coming your way here shortly. And that should be available in our accounts early January in preparation of the 2025 year.

(32:02) And Violet asked the new course respecting gender diversity. Will this meet CASB 923? (32:14) I will research that and get back to you about that. (32:19) I am not 100 percent positive on that answer, but we can get you an answer for sure.

(32:28) And so that is that was really fast. (32:32) I know that was a quick was a quick 30 minutes. (32:36) It always feels like I have more time than I do.

(32:39) We’re kind of about to wrap up this session, but if anyone has any other questions, please feel feel free to put them in a chat or you can put them in the Q&A box and I can see them. (32:54) But I just hope that everyone has been having a great session, a great day. (33:00) We’ve had to start at two ten Pacific time and four ten of your central time like myself.

(33:13) And it’s it’s going to be our last session of the day. We have a panel of really, really awesome speakers. (33:20) Chief people, officers, chief diversity inclusion officers to talk about what we are going to predicting what’s going to happen in 2025.

(33:29) And how we can help you as admins, as program managers, as thought leaders in your organization, how we can help, you know, help you in those situations. (33:42) And so without further ado, please feel free to take the ten minutes to go stretch your legs, get a cup of coffee, drink some water, pet your dogs, pet your kitties. (33:56) And, you know, stretch out a little bit.

I know it’s been sitting on our computers all day, but we really are thankful for your time. (34:04) And be sure to come back at, as I said, in about ten minutes to join us for the main stage. (34:11) It’s going to be a really great session.

Don’t want to miss out on it. But again, I think all of our sessions are available now. (34:18) You can rewatch the recordings if you missed anything.

But please, if you have any additional questions, reach out to your client success manager in that resources link in that PDF page I put together. (34:33) I linked how you can contact your CSM as well. So feel free to contact us through there.

(34:41) But thank you so much. I think I’m just about out of time. Hope you guys have a great rest of your afternoons and enjoy the rest of your day.

(34:52) I hope it is beautiful wherever you might be today. Thanks.

Organizations face mounting pressure to stay compliant with a range of laws and regulations. Compliance training is no longer just a checklist—it’s a key factor in maintaining a healthy workplace culture, reducing risk, and ensuring business integrity. As we move into the final quarter of 2024, businesses must remain vigilant in their efforts. For example, providing timely, effective training to meet mandates and protect their bottom line. 

The Global Push for Stronger Data Privacy Regulations

A major development in the world of compliance is the increasing global emphasis on data privacy. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has set a high standard for data privacy. Many other countries are following suit with their own stringent data protection laws. For U.S. companies, the recent passage of state-level data privacy laws, like California’s Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CCPA), is creating a new wave of compliance requirements.

These evolving regulations are just one example of why businesses must continually adapt their compliance training programs. With non-compliance carrying substantial penalties, it’s critical to provide employees with the most up-to-date content and real-world applications.

Learn How Emtrain’s Clients Meet Compliance Mandates

Emtrain offers powerful tools and content that empower companies to stay ahead of their mandates. In an upcoming session, Rachel Schade will guide you through how Emtrain’s clients efficiently and effectively meet their compliance training requirements.

The session will provide an in-depth walkthrough of how to select the most timely and relevant content for various compliance topics, including Harassment Prevention, FCPA, Code of Conduct, Data Privacy, Cybersecurity, Workplace Violence Prevention, and more. With these essential modules, Emtrain ensures that organizations are not only meeting the necessary legal requirements but also proactively measuring risk and fostering a culture of compliance across their workplace.

How to Choose the Best Training Content

One of the key aspects of Emtrain’s approach is helping organizations select the most relevant content for their internal audience. Different industries, company sizes, and work cultures all require a tailored approach to training. Through Emtrain’s extensive library of customizable training modules, you can ensure that your employees receive the exact content they need based on their roles and responsibilities.

For instance, while cybersecurity training is critical for employees handling sensitive data, harassment prevention training is vital for all staff to ensure a respectful workplace. Emtrain’s platform allows businesses to deliver targeted, relevant training, ensuring compliance across multiple fronts.

Proactively Measuring Risk and Workplace Culture

Beyond merely meeting compliance requirements, Emtrain helps companies actively monitor and manage workplace culture. With built-in analytics and reporting features, you can assess how well your employees are engaging with training content. Along with identifying areas of risk before they escalate. By integrating compliance training with a broader culture management strategy, businesses can reduce risks associated with harassment, discrimination, and unethical behavior. While simultaneously improving overall employee satisfaction and retention.


Compliance training is more than just a regulatory obligation. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to a positive, safe, and respectful workplace. Emtrain’s training solutions provide businesses with the tools they need to stay compliant, minimize risk, and foster an organizational culture that aligns with both legal requirements and core values. 

Stay ahead of the curve, reduce your risk, and invest in your organization’s future with Emtrain’s comprehensive compliance training solutions.

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