How are you identifying and measuring the KPIs of employee conflict? During an economic downturn, it’s imperative for HR and Compliance leaders to be even more proactive in managing and reducing corporate risk. Your anti-harassment training programs should be designed to change behavior, measure behavior change, prevent bad outcomes and reduce claims.
In this webinar, we’ll walk you through anti-harassment and inclusion courses that teach pro-social behaviors that prevent bad outcomes and reduce your risk. We’ll also show you how Emtrain’s risk and claims reduction ROI calculator has helped HR leaders across enterprise companies identify, measure, and avoid risk, which can reduce claims by 10%.
In this webinar, you will…
- Learn how a modern harassment prevention program can prevent risk & claims and change behavior.
- See a walk-through of the Emtrain ROI calculator. All attendees will receive a copy.
- Learn how to measure, predict, and reduce claims.
- Demonstrate your ROI to the organization and leadership.
Interested in how Emtrain’s eLearning and data-driven solutions can meet your specific culture goals? Reach out to one of our experts to get a free personalized demo!