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Workplace Sexual Harassment Policy Template

sexual harassment

Employers and employees understand the need to have a common set of rules at work. In fact, in some states organizations are required to draft, publish, distribute and follow a specific sexual harassment prevention policy.

Even in states that don’t have a legal mandate, most employers understand that having a written policy is a key element in their quest to recognize, prevent and fix issues related to harassment. So if everyone is on the same page about the advantages of having a policy, why is it that policies have done little to move the needle? Indeed, surveys have shown that the vast majority of companies already have a policy in place, but their mere existence has done little to positively affect workplace behavior.

The key to an effective sexual harassment prevention policy is twofold:

First, the policy must actually contain understandable language about:

  • Prohibited (and acceptable) workplace conduct
  • Instructions on how to submit a complaint if an employee encounters misconduct at work and
  • Details about how the organization will investigate and resolve claims of misconduct.

Second, the policy must go beyond these mere legalities and send out a strong and clear message that the organization is fully committed to not only stopping unlawful sexual harassment, but is equally committed to stopping behavior that might fall short of illegal conduct but nevertheless needs to be addressed early so that it doesn’t escalate.

Emtrain’s model policy was drafted in collaboration with experts in employment law and will help organizations meet the first objective. In terms of meeting the second objective—to create policies and practices, and therefore an overall culture that fosters respect and inclusion. Download the Workplace Sexual Harassment Policy Template now!

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