These Requirements apply to all personnel who access any part of Emtrain’s Courses and/or LMS.
Configurations listed below have been tested successfully with the most recently released Emtrain courses. Additional operating systems & internet browsers may work, but are not officially supported.
Emtrain courseware makes use of Audio and Video elements which may cause issues when run over a VPN or Thin Client environment. It is highly recommended that the courses be accessed in a web browser outside of the VPN/Thin Client network for proper performance. Courses taken over a VPN/Thin Client network may need Audio and/or Video disabled to function properly. Emtrain cannot provide support for issues that arise from VPN/Thin Client settings or configurations.
Client shall identify one employee (or dedicated contractor / individual) who will be administering the Emtrain LMS, e.g. assigning Learners their training, directing LMS communication, and optimizing system performance. The Administrator will be the point person for asking and answering LMS questions to and from Emtrain. This is the person the Client has identified as the recipient and reviewer of all Emtrain system emails in a timely business manner. It is the Client’s responsibility to keep Emtrain updated regarding this personnel assignment and current contact info.
All Learners must have Internet access to required domain names in order to view its videos (whether they are Emtrain LMS Hosted or SCORM Courses). Client’s IT personnel may need to enable (whitelist) the following domains to allow Emtrain video streaming:
Note: All subdomains of must be whitelisted.
All Learners who are using the Emtrain LMS need to have email settings adjusted in order to ensure Emtrain LMS system emails are received by all Client’s personnel. Clients’ IT personnel will need to enable (whitelist) the following items to ensure delivery of training enrollment notices to Learners, LMS Admin, and anyone else who interact with the system:
*Make sure to include the lower-case “o” at the beginning of when whitelisting this address.
NOTE: If you change the “from” email address on Emtrain’s training enrollment emails (default:, Client’s email system may not deliver email due to the “actual” sender (Emtrain) and the “named” sender (you) not matching.
For inclusion of a Client’s Logo into Courses, the Client must provide a logo in either: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum size for horizontal logos is about 250 pixels wide by 40 pixels high. Square logos should be set to 40 x 40 pixels roughly. Logos which are too big will be resized when they are uploaded.
Some courses are designed to require Learners to access the Client’s applicable policy (which is related to the course’s subject matter). A Client’s Policy will be found within course by ‘Clicking’ the “Policies” button. Currently there are two ways for Clients to submit their Organization’s written policy in order for it to be loaded and incorporated into the course prior to launch:
The Client is encouraged to submit their written Policy by way of a live URL Link that is prepared and hosted by the Client (or by their vendor) on a server. Most organizations are posting their policies as a webpages on the same server as their website. But, for privacy reasons, the policy webpage should not be linked to any other webpages, or any published documents. This will insure there is no opportunity for search engines or anyone else to view your policy without guessing the entire URL Link (there should be some randomness of characters that make up the URL Link so it cannot be guessed).
If you choose to proceed with supplying a URL Link, it will be embedded in your course for your Learners to Click on so that can easily view the organization’s policy immediately. By hosting your own policy, you have complete control over editing and layout at any time. And, by submitting the policy via a URL Link (and not as a PDF document), the Client will not incur any additional charges for policy replacement or a new SCORM file (which is mandatory) if and when the policy needs updating. Clients choosing to submit Policies via a URL Link are strongly encouraged to add a “Download” button or make sure the policy is printer friendly so Learners can easily and neatly print a copy of the policy for their records.
Clients may submit a soft copy of their policy as a single PDF document, which will be uploaded into the course as presented. Please note, ANY requested changes to the Client’s policy after it has been uploaded and tested will require a change order for editing the course and a new SCORM file.
No matter what option you choose for policy delivery, the text that makes up the policy (whether it is a URL Link or uploaded as a PDF file), the Client needs to combine all policy text (e.g. multiple policies or other messages) into one nicely laid out digital document. You may only submit one URL Link or one PDF document per course.
Learners are always encouraged to submit course related questions by entering their questions into the Ask an Expert tab contained within the course and clicking the Ask button. These questions are directed via email to an Emtrain designated Subject Matter Expert (SME).
Client shall provide type and version of their LMS, as well as the version of SCORM it prefers: SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 3rd edition. Emtrain may require Client to upgrade LMS to a current version.
Client to provide all necessary information for SCORM files to read and play properly.
The LMS Technical Contact shall upload, view a short Emtrain Test SCORM Course, and complete a test course checklist concerning course compatibility with Client’s LMS.
Emtrain will email SCORM files when possible. However, in many cases we need to provide an FTP site as a means of delivering the files. Files transferred to the FTP site will be available for 14 days after notification. If Client wishes to use their own designated FTP site, please furnish the details immediately.
Client shall provide temporary access of a Learner Portal from their LMS so Emtrain can troubleshoot a SCORM course if needed.
Client shall identify (name, phone, and email) an employee (or contractor) who is very experienced and knowledgeable regarding the Client’s LMS. This is the person who will install the SCORM file for the Client, ensure they are working correctly, and make sure all reporting is being received and stored correctly.
Whether the Client is using a third party LMS, or has built its own LMS, the Client shall make available an LMS Engineer to help and support course integration. This technical person needs to understand the coding, architecture, and interaction between courses and the Client’s LMS well enough to troubleshoot system issues.
This information will be updated as system resource requirements change. Notification of any changes will be sent to active customers with 30 days advanced notice.
Found at the following URL: Last Modified Date: 2017-24-10