In the recently released Barbie movie, an unexpected gem emerges a narrative that mirrors real-world issues many of us encounter...
Across every industry, Black individuals face disproportionate bias and discrimination in the workplace due to their natural hair and the...
Since May 2019, we’ve been monitoring the experience of more than a million employees across 700 organizations. During that time,...
Why Memorial Day is Celebrated Memorial Day began in 1868 as a tradition to honor the lives lost during the...
Many organizations simply go through the motions of having their employees take the mandatory trainings and focus on the legal...
New Data Shows That Inclusion, Anti-Harassment Initiatives Won’t Be Successful If You’re Not Managing Bias Business productivity measures such as...
Inclusion and respect go hand in hand. Strong social connections, understanding our co-workers, and how different people perceive different situations...
This year’s Black History Month theme is Black Resistance. Throughout African American history, Black people have had to fight for...
Social capital theory enhances our ability to explain workplace dynamics, such as employee engagement and equity and inclusion, in ways...
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