Emtrain’s Decency Pledge for VC Investing Partners

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Reid Hoffman Initiates Decency Pledge

On Friday, June 23rd, Reid Hoffman, founder of Linkedin, individual investor and partner at Greylock Partners, wrote the article, The Human Rights of Women Entrepreneurs. The article referenced multiple sexual harassment allegations against venture capitalist Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. It further highlighted the tech community’s continuing challenge of acting ethically, respectfully and inclusively.

To illustrate that many venture capitalists do care about equality and respect, Reid invited entrepreneurs, limited partnerships (LPs) and venture capitalists to stop doing business with venture capitalists who lack respect and to take the decency pledge at #DecencyPledge.

Why It Matters?

Boycotting unethical, harassing venture capitalists is a great start to triggering real change. But as many of us know, even good people can act inappropriately at times.  Education is needed to change behaviors that for some are unconscious or unintended. Taking a course signals to others that none of us are perfect and all of us need to be willing to learn.

Are you willing to commit your time to essential workplace education?

We believe it’s time for venture capitalists and LPs to commit to educate on these topics. As part of our decency pledge, Emtrain and its experts are providing our online education and access to guidance at no cost to venture capitalists and limited partners (LPs) willing to commit about 4 hours to get up to speed on best practices: preventing workplace harassment, managing unconscious bias and code of conduct & ethics.

We will applaud and promote all venture capitalists and LPs who take the pledge and commit their time to receiving essential workplace education. Your investments can create a positive social impact for all of us!


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Janine Yancey

Janine Yancey

Emtrain Founder & Employment Law ExpertLong before #MeToo, Emtrain’s Founder and CEO Janine Yancey conducted live training to educate employees and build their skills on respect, empathy and making good decisions to proactively prevent workplace...Read full bio

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