Managing Contingent Workers

General Guidelines to Manage Legally and Effectively

In today’s current state, the public health crisis has abruptly resulted in sudden leaves and impacted teams across the business. Organizations are increasingly relying on independent contractors and contingent workers to accomplish their goals, but it’s important to understand the difference between full-time employees and contingent workers to preserve independent contractor status.

Microlesson Description

In this microlesson, we provide general guidelines for managing contingent workers legally and effectively. Contingent workers are either contractors or freelancers who are put on projects for a short period of time. The lesson trains managers and people leaders on how they should navigate the differences between full-time, traditional employees and independent contractors respectfully, and without undermining the worker’s independent contractor status.

Key Concepts

  • Defines the difference between full-time employees and independent contractors.
  • Guidance on legal management of independent contractors.
  • Building respect within teams with contingent workers.
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