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Fresh Look: Building Ethics, Respect, and Inclusion

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Recent political events and historic socially turbulent times have made one thing crystal clear; the time to prioritize and review your Diversity and Inclusion efforts is now. Employees are speaking, and Corporate America would be wise to listen up, identify risk, and get ahead of the game.   

The utter definition of words like Respect and Belonging is evolving, making merely checking the compliance boxes obsolete. How do you keep up with the demand of your employees and navigate through this new world? Respect used to include a list of verbs like listening and being considerate. It now means much more like the concepts of recognizing and acknowledging each others’ differences, adding “cultural translator” to the growing list of leadership duties.

Events such as the attack on the Capitol will most likely be discussed at work, with differing viewpoints and opinions about our nation’s divide. How on earth do we lead our workforce in times of social unrest like these?

  1. Create a shared language by using Emtrain’s complimentary Workplace Color Spectrum® that color-codes behavior at work. It’s simple, clear, and puts everyone on the same page when identifying potentially offensive language or actions.
  2. Capture the sentiments of your workforce with Emtrain AI.
  3. Use the data captured by Emtrain AI to identify areas of risk for pivotal conversations with leadership, that act as a catalyst for change.
  4. Implement a plan of action to address these issues, like Emtrain AI, laying the groundwork to be used both now and into the future.

Emtrain, our revolutionary platform, not only meets all of your compliance requirements but simultaneously captures valuable data from your workforce that you can use in leadership meetings to affect measurable change.

You have made a promise to your employees to hold high cultural standards. How can you support them if you do not know what is going on, with no tool to gauge it? How can you speak to it if you don’t have the data to back it up?

Contact us to learn how to be proactive by administering top-rated videos with Emtrain, followed by meaningful questions, prompting insightful conversations, that all translate into actionable data, minimizing risk and creating a healthier workplace culture. 

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Kristi Montes

Kristi Montes

Business Development Manager | Emtrain

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