Your code of conduct training for employees lays out the values, principles, and rules that guide employees’
decisions and actions. And it requires annual, effective code of conduct training to create ethical
norms of behavior that everyone follows.
Janine Yancey, CEO of Emtrain
Relatable content to help guide employees’ actions and video scenes reflecting the most current ethical dilemmas and showing what good decisions look like.
Select the topics you need to reinforce in your code of conduct and ethics training by our mix and match lesson configuration. And our policy acknowledgment tool makes it easy to show all employees’ review and acknowledgment of your code of conduct.
Boards of Directors are asking for risk measurements and proof of behavior change. So is the Department of Justice. Emtrain’s code training and accompanying risk analytics measures risk throughout the organization, recommends microlessons to address hotspots and provides downloadable analytics to present to your Board.
Embedded risk survey questions highlight behavioral risk areas that can be measured, benchmarked and scored. Launch Emtrain’s ethical behavior training and get a risk survey and training combined into one employee activity.
Yes, Emtrain’s course covers all protected characteristics required by the state.
Every year! Our team ensures we hit topical, timely, and relevant issues and cover specific state mandate requirements.
Yes! We have an in-house video team, actors, and producers to create the most compelling workplace scenarios.
Yes. Emtrain’s trainings come equipped with over 60 machine translation options available.
Sexual harassment prevention training is required in 8 U.S. states: California, Connecticut, Deleware, Washington D.C., Illinois, Maine, New York, and Washington. It is also required in every Canadian province, and a number of countries across the globe. For more information on specific training requirements in the US, Canada, and globally, click here.
Bystander intervention training is required in Chicago, IL, but we recommend it regardless of location.
Emtrain’s Ask the Expert feature enables users to ask questions about compliance, bias, harassment, and diversity & inclusion as they come up. It’s all confidential, and answers are sent straight to their inbox. Search the questions below and see the Experts answers.