Black Lives Matter

Be an Ally for Change

Overwhelming support for Black Lives Matter has led to an outpouring of protests and profuse calls for systemic change to racial injustice. Mr. Floyd’s tragic death hit us all, as individuals and members of a work community. However, it doesn’t hit us all the same way. We have a responsibility to address incidents like this in the workplace.

Microlesson Description

In this microlesson, we educate employees on why empathy matters in these situations. Employees must be aware that we view tragedies like this through the lens of our life experiences. This lesson is also equipped with an extensive list of resources on how to be an ally and understand the Black-American experience.

Key Concepts

  • How to rethink your words and actions given how they may be perceived
  • How life experiences differ
  • How your organization is impacted by recent events
  • How to be an ally
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Interested in training your employees with 3-5 minute video lessons that address specific and timely concepts?

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