Black Resistance

Recognizing Black Resistance efforts throughout history

Black History Month’s 2023 theme was Black Resistance. Black Americans have resisted historical and ongoing oppression for decades, so our workforces must understand and learn about these experiences to create positive change for the better. 

Microlesson Description

In this microlesson, we educate employees and managers on why it’s critical to acknowledge Black Resistance efforts throughout history and continue to work towards a more just and equal society. In addition, we explore the many forms of resistance through protests and across all parts of society, such as cultural centers, sports, media, medicine, education, and more.

Key Concepts

  • Black resistance has been an integral part of social change and racial equality. 
  • Understand and acknowledge Black Resistance’s efforts to create a more equitable society.
  • Black Americans have achieved triumphs and success by using the power of resistance. 
Black Resistance primary image
Black Resistance secondary image
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