Minimizing Gossip
at Work

Just a Little Gossip

We spend a lot of time at work, more often than spending time with significant others. Colleagues who do spend a lot of time together, create a work friendship which can lead to conversations about different things. Sometimes it’s work-related, other times it’s personal. How we talk and what we talk about matters to everyone.

Microlesson Description

This microlesson shows how employees vent and gossip after receiving an assignment and news that a coworker, who is struggling with a mental health challenge will be out of the office. This kind of conduct can cross the line and violate company policies and the law. Aside from the legal perspective, there are culture and respect issues being violated as well.

Key Concepts

  • Creating a work culture that works for everyone is hard – and doesn’t happen on its own.
  • Every day, the choices we make as individuals can support a positive work culture.
  • Nothing is more important than the way we treat each other. Gossiping and disparaging comments hurt culture, can violate our policies and could violate the law.
Minimizing Gossip <br src=
Minimizing Gossip <br src=
Minimizing Gossip <br src=

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