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Bridging the Communication Gap: A Tale of Effective Communication for Managers

July 17, 2023 |  2 minutes

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Discovering Common Ground: The Power of Building Strong Workplace Relationships
Diversity & Inclusion

Two employees wait for a meeting to start and are surprised to find they have a lot more in common that they'd ever imagined, specifically a love for the same ball team.

In the bustling work environment of a contemporary office, some employees favor a quieter, more reflective process over the louder dynamics of team meetings. In this video, an employee’s reserved nature leads to a clash with management's communication expectations. In this two-scenario video scene, the manager, who values good communication and active listening, perceives the employee's silence as a gap in employee engagement.

The employee's hesitancy results in missed opportunities to share information that could contribute to problem-solving initiatives. The manager, emphasizing the importance of open communication, struggles to integrate his communication style into the fast-paced workplace communication setting.

In the second scenario, the manager adjusts her approach to foster a more inclusive environment. Recognizing that types of communication extend beyond verbal exchanges, she tunes into nonverbal cues and employs body language and eye contact to encourage a sense of active participation.

The manager crafts her communication strategies with careful consideration of the employee's preferred style. She ensures that important communication is clear and that effective communication channels are always open.

The leader’s effective management communication encourages the employee to gradually open up, sharing his valuable insights during team meetings. Proper communication, reinforced through both verbal exchanges and nonverbal communication, now punctuates their interactions, highlighting how business leaders can adapt their methods to enhance employee communication and respect diverse communication styles.

This scenario underlines that the ways managers communicate can profoundly impact the work atmosphere, underscoring the critical nature of communication skills in effective management communication.

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