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Expand Your Team to Expand Your Impact using Emtrain Analytics

Emtrain Analytics
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Whose job is workplace culture? Is it yours? 

In some organizations, culture is in the title or job description of a few people. Maybe it’s in yours. But there may be some key people in your workplace who could get real value from the data about workforce attitudes and behaviors that are captured in Emtrain Analytics. You might work closely with them today, or you might be operating in parallel but disconnected paths. By reaching out to share what you’ve learned and what’s available, you can amplify your impact and grow your game-changer team.

You may already fill one or more of these seats, but have you connected with…

The DEI team

These folks have a big stake in building a better workplace experience, but often lack robust data that goes beyond measuring diversity to quantify the experience of inclusion for different demographic groups. With the right tools, they can have a huge impact on implementing a better system to foster a healthier workplace. 


HR Businesses Partners are at the leading edge of culture, helping functional leaders build and retain talent and create productively, energized teams. Give them a predictive view into the health of their function and how it compares to others and they can act more strategically.

The Legal Team

The data in Emtrain Analytics can provide valuable insight to the team who is responsible for managing organizational risk. Data-driven recommendations can identify skill-building actions that reduce the risk of antisocial behavior crossing the line to illegal behavior. 


The prosocial skills measured in indicator scores are foundational for management and leadership development and an important part of onboarding new employees to your organizational culture. Make sure your friends in L&D have access to scores and content recommendations.


Analytics have valuable insights on the group and social dynamics for leaders of ERGs and are great partners in identifying solutions for areas where scores show that specific demographic groups are experiencing less respect or inclusion in the workplace. 

Functional Leaders

Every business function has goals that are only achievable with coordinated action. Help them identify behaviors that may be blocking their team’s top performance with preventable social friction.

Ultimately, Emtrain analytics can help any department create an informative change in the health of the workplace and can provide a much deeper understanding on how an organization is performing so they know where it needs to be changed. A healthy culture benefits everyone. Make sure your organization gets the full value of the data and insights collected in Emtrain analytics and level-up your game-changer status!

For more information on how Emtrain can help nurture your culture, contact us.


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Private: Robert Todd

Private: Robert Todd

Chief Innovation OfficerRobert leads the development of products at Emtrain. He believes that leading with integrity and treating every employee with respect is a winning business strategy. Robert joined Emtrain after building...Read full bio

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