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Oct. 23rd
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  • All Employees (4 min)

What's Covered

  • Human Trafficking
  • Modern Slavery
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Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery

Taking Action Against Workplace Exploitation

Modern slavery takes many forms around the globe, including human trafficking, forced or bonded labor, and child labor. Many of these instances occur within the purview of legitimate organizations. It is the responsibility of all employees to remain vigilant and speak up against any suspected abuse or exploitation.

Microlesson Description

This course equips employees with the knowledge to recognize, prevent, and report exploitation, ensuring compliance with organizational policies and creating an ethical work environment. 

Key Concepts:

  • Understanding the various forms of modern slavery, such as human trafficking, forced labor, and child labor.
  • Recognizing industries and sectors with heightened risks, particularly those dependent on low-skill labor or complex supply chains.
  • How to identify signs of exploitation in the workplace or supply chains.
  • The importance of adherence to company policies on worker protection and anti-slavery measures.
  • Encouraging employees to take action by reporting suspicious behavior or abuse.

Microlesson Features

  • Employee sentiment pulsing questions that provide leaders with insights into their workforce's core cultural competencies
  • Emtrain's Expert Answers tool, enabling employeees to submit anonymous questions about sensitive issues.
  • Rich, contemporary video scences illustrating key concepts through realistic scenarios
  • A data driven, skill-based approach to eLearning that establishes a shared language for employees.
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