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Oct. 23rd
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  • All Employees (5 min)

What's Covered

  • Active listening
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Using Proper Pronouns

Using Proper Pronouns

Respecting Gender Identity

The subject of gender identity, including transgender and non-binary identities is evolving and may be new to some people. But the basics of respect for human dignity are the same and they go both ways. Respect for different gender identities and respect for people who are learning and trying to understand.

Microlesson Description

This brief microlesson explains the importance of proper pronoun usage. It also provides employees with examples of how to politely and respectfully ask someone for their pronouns. The lesson employs the Workplace Color Spectrum® tool to take the temperature of your workplace and rate behavior.

Key Concepts
  • Why proper pronoun usage is important
  • How to ask someone for their pronouns
  • How to call out disrespectful behavior in a non-combative manner

Microlesson Features

  • Employee sentiment pulsing questions that provide leaders with insights into their workforce's core cultural competencies
  • Emtrain's Expert Answers tool, enabling employeees to submit anonymous questions about sensitive issues.
  • Rich, contemporary video scences illustrating key concepts through realistic scenarios
  • A data driven, skill-based approach to eLearning that establishes a shared language for employees.
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