This course will teach you about the rules around personal health information - and why they matter so much to the people involved and our organization.
Reviews the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - and who and what it covers.
Reviews Personal Health Information as a key aspect of HIPAA, and what it does - and doesn't - include.
Defining covered entities, business associates, and sub-business associates.
Understanding the Privacy Rule under HIPAA and its impact on how we use PHI.
Understanding the Privacy Rule
Understanding the practical impact of the Privacy Rule.
How we use and treat patient records under HIPAA.
Understanding the Security Rule under HIPAA.
The Role of State Laws in HIPAA
Reviews the role state laws play under the federal law of HIPAA.
Security Incidents and Breaches
Understanding the difference between a "security incident" and a "security breach" and what reaction each requires.
Reporting Requirements Under HIPAA
Identifying when and how security incidents and breaches are reported to authorities.
Common Violations and Precautions
HIPAA violations come in all forms - but a surprisingly large number of expensive missteps start with simple mistakes. Learn why day-to-day behavior can have such a big impact in this area.
Understanding the cost of missteps under HIPAA.
Reviews HIPAA policy and guidance.
A post-program survey on the learning experience.