An introduction to the purpose and goals of this course.
The Workplace Colour Spectrum® Tool
Explaining what the Workplace Colour Spectrum is and how it can help managers and employees understand and categorise their conduct — and the conduct of others.
What Is Unlawful Harassment?
How do you know if behaviour qualifies as harassment? Review the legal definition and elements of harassment, including "protected grounds". What are protected grounds? Where do they come from? Which ones apply in your workplace?
Bullying and Vexatious Behaviour
This lesson helps the workforce understand, identify, and measure vexatious and bullying behaviour in the workplace.
Different Forms of Harassment
Workplace Harassment always involves conduct that meets certain legal criteria and is unlawful. What kind of conduct is that? Review the different forms of harassing conduct.
What Makes Conduct Unwanted?
A hostile work environment always involves "unwanted conduct." What is it and how do you know when your words or actions are "unwanted?"
What Makes Conduct Red and Toxic?
Red conduct is almost always illegal and always negatively impacts work culture. What does it look like? And how do you know when your conduct crosses the line?
Who Can Be Involved in Harassment?
Explaining the reach of workplace harassment laws, who is protected, and who can be an offender.
There are a few common situations that seem to find their way into harassment situations (or employee conflicts) on a regular basis. Proactively knowing which situations tend to create employee conflicts and potential harassment can help all of us maintai
In most harassment situations, someone outside the situation knows what's going on. What is the role of the bystander? And how do you go from being a passive bystander to someone who takes action?
As more and more people are working remotely, digital communications have become a crucial tool. Learn the best practices for digital communications whether email, instant messaging, etc.
Pronouns and Gender Identity
Being trans, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming is a new concept for many people. But the basics for showing respect remain the same, even when navigating unfamiliar situations. In this lesson, we give the best practices for learning your co-workers' pro
Mental Health and Respect
This lesson examines issues related to mental health and educates against shaming or embarrassing someone because of mental health concerns that they have.
Employees have a right to raise a concern or complaint without fear of victimisation. But what is victimisation — and when do work decisions cross the line?
Managers play a key role in ensuring a healthy work culture. They set the tone. They are the eyes and ears of the employer. And they are the ones who often navigate tricky people and harassment issues.
Reporting, Investigations, and Workplace Policies
Per the legal training mandates in several states, all employers must educate their employees on their workplace policies that prevent harassment, how to report concerns of harassment, and the employer’s investigation when concerns are reported. All emplo
A post-program survey on the learning experience.