Shifting Mental Images of Women in the Workplace

Changing the stereotype and breaking barriers

It’s time to change how we see women and different gender roles in the professional field and personal space. Women are shattering the glass ceiling yet perceptions of women in the workplace and beyond are still very biased. There’s an opportunity to create new, realistic perspectives that open the door for all other women and new possibilities. So, why are some of us still stuck in viewing women one way, when the opportunities for all genders and women are endless.

Microlesson Description

In this microlesson, we look into our internal perspectives regarding gender roles. When women break those barriers in male-dominated fields, it provides an opportunity to create new, realistic images and perspectives that open the door for all other women and new possibilities. From a new TikTok influencer to female gamers and women leadership in the workplace, this microlesson educates your workforce that we shouldn’t view everything one way. So, let’s break the bias and shift our perspective together. When we allow ourselves to open up the lens and see each individual woman for who they truly are and take the bias out of our mindset, we create a more equitable society.

Key Concepts

  • The mental images we hold influence our view of reality, and how things should be. This includes gender and who is supposed to be doing certain jobs.
  • By replacing outdated mental images with new ones, we create new opportunities for all women.
  • When we form new mental images of women as leaders, we create a more equitable society, in and outside the workplace.
Shifting Mental Images of Women in the Workplace primary image
Shifting Mental Images of Women in the Workplace secondary image
Shifting Mental Images of Women in the Workplace tertiary image

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