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Age Bias: A Real-Life Challenge

July 18, 2023 |  38 seconds

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Microaggressions: First Generation
Unconscious Bias

Microaggressions usually involve one person making what they might consider an innocuous statement that is clearly based off of internal biases.

In this scenario, assumptions about people based on their age lead to misconceptions. Three women, who are finishing lunch, appear to be engaged in a conversation about their grandchildren. Among them is a woman who, despite being older, is headed home to record a TikTok for her 20K followers. This situation highlights the prevalence of age bias and ageism, where preconceived notions about older individuals can perpetuate ageist stereotypes.

Age discrimination is governed by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). In our ever-changing workforce, age bias is still a critical issue, as negative stereotypes surrounding older workers may hinder their job opportunities. Initiatives promoting age diversity and challenging age-based biases become essential, particularly in the workforce, where older people often face challenges in securing employment.

A meta-analysis of research on aging processes emphasizes the importance for age diversity in the workforce.

In places like New York, with a diverse demographic, age diversity becomes a pertinent aspect of social inclusion. The role of gerontologists and professionals in gerontology is crucial in promoting healthy aging and challenging ageist stereotypes. Platforms like LinkedIn provide opportunities for older workers to connect, showcasing their skills and experiences.

In the North American context, where the government plays a role in shaping policies related to older individuals, initiatives that challenge age discrimination and promote equal opportunities for all age groups are imperative. Ageist stereotypes not only affect the employment prospects of older employees but also impact their overall well-being.

In conclusion, assumptions about people based on their age can perpetuate ageism and contribute to the prevalence of ageist stereotypes. Recognizing the diversity among age groups, challenging age-based biases, and promoting initiatives that foster equal opportunities for both younger and older individuals are essential for a more inclusive and age-friendly society.