Inclusive Language

Principles of Giving and Receiving Feedback

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em>"We just don't have the manpower!" "The master device is online but we still have some work before the slave is active." Sound familiar?

Creating a truly inclusive workplace requires a commitment to understanding and dismantling prejudice, bias, and exclusionary behavior at every level of an organization. That includes closely monitoring our language to avoid using any terms or colloquialisms that are rooted in misogyny, bigotry, oppression, and intolerance. By going the extra mile and employing language that is inclusive of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and ages, we foster more inclusive, productive, and egalitarian work environments.

Course Description
This course reviews the definition of inclusive language, its importance and basic principles, as well as best practices for receiving feedback and correcting ourselves when we are made aware of our own problematic behavior or language. The course is broken down into an introduction, and three main lessons: Inclusive Language Creates Belonging, and The Principles of Inclusive Language. Each of the main lessons is also available as an individual microlesson.

Inclusive Language primary image Inclusive Language secondary image Inclusive Language tertiary image

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Course Snapshot

Course length: 15 minutes

Audience: All employees

Key Concepts

  • Problematic terms are deeply embedded in our language
  • Inclusive language is respectful of different identities and characteristics.
  • How to create an environment where everyone feels safe, supported, and accepted
  • Managing frustrations in a changing workplace
  • How to confront non-inclusive language or behaviors
  • How to manage your emotions before reacting to criticism
  • Plain, simple language is more accessible and easier to understand
  • The importance of continued education

Course Features

  • Emtrain’s Ask the Expert feature gives learners direct access to course experts.
  • Tailored to include your branding and policy
  • 60+ machine translation options

Course Experts

Janine Yancey
Emtrain Founder & CEO Employment Law Expert
View bio