Two coworkers discuss how the company is pushing to sell product that may be unethical.
When there's crime, misconduct, or fraud within the business, everyone is affected. That’s why whistleblowers are crucial to stopping or preventing potential problems. They are the single most effective source of information in detecting corporate fraud and crimes. People and compliance leaders need to cultivate a 'speak-up' culture at work. That means deploying effective situational awareness training that focuses on building core skills that not only help employees uphold company policies.
Course Description
This course reviews the basics of whistleblowing — what defines a whistleblower and why are they important to our society? It provides examples in different contexts from health care, to social media, and more. Use this training to review the legal elements of whistleblowing, and teach employees when and how to report a concern.
Key Concepts
Understand the importance of whistleblowers to our society.
Identify who is a whistleblower and why.
Identify the situations when people should report fraud or other organizational problems.
Understand our process and policies for reporting.
Foster a speak-up culture to stop problems at the earliest opportunity.
An introduction to whistleblowing training — review why whistleblowers are important, their impact on society, and course learning objectives.
What Defines a Whistleblower?
Review the legal definition(s) of a whistleblower — what elements are required and what laws provide whistleblower protections?
When Should You Report?
How do you know when a situation warrants whistleblowing? Review when it is and isn't appropriate to blow the whistle on potential problems, and common scenarios that can occur.
Our Hotline, Controls, Policy and Procedures
Review the steps for reporting a concern, our whistleblower hotline information, and our organization's policy.